Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I believe friendship is one of the most important things in life.  Girlfriends are vital, at least for me; guy friends are great but when you want to talk about boys or chick flicks or the Victoria’s Secret sale, guy friends just don’t cut it.  I for one know that I would be lost without my friends.  They are there to pick you up when you fall and make you laugh, they are there to make fun of you and they are the ones that help you understand everything will be ok.

When I was younger I told my mom that I wanted a best friend, just like her best friend.  My mom talks to her best friend more than 5 times a day.  They talk on the phone, hang up, and call back 10 minutes later because they forgot some important gossip or remembered a question they had.  In elementary school I thought that every friend I had would be my best friend I was a naïve kid and I trusted very easily.  I opened up to everyone and was friends with a lot of people. In my childish mind I thought they were my forever friends.  I learned the hard way that “friends” don’t always deserve that title. 

In middle school when several so-called friends showed their true colors, my real friends stepped up to the plate.  Discovering who your true friends are is always difficult but it is an important lesson to learn.  At age 19, almost 20, I am so lucky to have many best friends.  I have, in a way, collected these amazing people over time, and through thick and thin they have been there for me.  Some of them have been there from the beginning. We find ways to keep in touch when we are separated at different colleges through texting and FaceTime.  Other friends became so by fate.  Joining a sorority, I instantly had 95 friends and through a series of events (and mutual selection) I have met some of the greatest girls. I think Charlotte from Sex and the City had it right when she said that girlfriends are our soul mates, because I know for a fact I would be lost without them. 

{a few of my lovely friends}
♥ Caro

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