Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of School

I have always loved school, mostly for the social aspect, but I liked English and Science too. I love being able to spend time with friends and I have (almost) always loved my teachers.  I also love school supplies shopping *judge me* Thinking back to my childhood I have so many memories of “Meet the Teacher” nights at school and first days back.  The first day is always hard.  There is that nervous anticipation, millions of questions flooding your thoughts.  Who will be in my class?  What should I wear? Will the class be hard? Do people carry pencil cases? What about lunchboxes? What color binder do I get? Where do I sit at lunch? These questions are daunting, especially if you are starting out somewhere new. 

{Just don’t be like Elle and forget your laptop and homework!}

When I went to high school, I knew 4 people.  I went to an elementary school and middle school outside of my zoned district because they specialized in the arts.  Starting freshman year, my entire friend group was separated. I was terrified the night before the first day because I had no idea what to expect. Looking back, I am so glad that I pushed myself and went where I felt I needed to go – as opposed to where my friends were going.  I was able to make new friends and expand my interests. I got involved and, thanks to the terrifying freshman experience of meeting people, I now know how to make friends easily and can carry on small talk like it’s my job.

College was even harder.  Remember how I knew a few people in high school? Yeah, in college I literally didn’t know a soul.  Now, I admit, this was my own choice and I, again, decided to go where I needed to instead of taking the easy route.  My career path isn’t easy and my school is providing me with the information I need to succeed.  I could have gone to a state school in the South with my friends and had a fantastic time socially.  But I wouldn’t have gotten the same academic experience and I wouldn’t have the same friends I do now, or be in my sorority – both of which mean so much to me. 

{Freshman year to Senior year - my brother changed the most}

Starting sophomore year classes yesterday was a breeze – I have friends in my classes (and friends to walk with and eat with, which is always a plus!) I am not as intimidated by the work load because I have a better understanding of how to time manage and I feel more comfortable this school year.  Looking back, I understand why I was terrified of first days; they can be awkward and uncomfortable, but EVERYONE is going through the same thing.  No one knows where they are going, everyone wants to find friends in their classes, and everyone just wants to learn what they need to – hopefully having a fun along the way. 

In the end, whether it’s a first day of school or a first day on the job, don’t lose hope.  First days are always hard but I can tell you from experience (and I’m not the only one) that it gets so much better.  It’s better to push yourself and embrace the change.  The comfort will come, and before you know it you will be looking forward to your next first day!    


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